By: Dunmoye Femi

 Just like any laboratory in pure science, accounting as a social science, also has its laboratory, where experiment is being carried out to know the financial strength of a company or an individual as a corporate body.
                Some school of taught call it  “accounting workshop”, where we can know or have the idea of the financial position of a particular company, furthermore, to know the power of current assets in term of cash over the ability of the company. The current assets of the company in term of cash is charged against the liability of the company, if eventually, the ratio of the current assets of the business in term of cash, is more than its liability, it means the company is in good financial position. On the other way round if the ratio of the liability is more than that of the assets of the company, it means such a company is in trouble, it is getting a clear signal that, and anything can happen to such a company at any point in time.
                The test is done by a simple formula: current assets in term of cash over the liability (current assets/liability). Companies with the ratio less than 1 cannot pay their current liabilities and should be studied carefully. However, if the acid-test is lower than the working capital ratio, this means the current assets in terms of cash depends on the inventory.
                The term acid-test was derived from the ‘gold miners’. The gold miner, after extracting gold from the earth, they used to test the originality and/ or whether the gold is real, by putting the gold in acid. The real gold does not corrode in acid. After putting the gold in acid, if it does not corrode, it means the gold is real, the ability of the nuggets not to have dissolved in acid, made it to have passed the ‘acid-test’. So, if the company financial statements pass the figurative acid-test, this means the company’s financial position is in good and uprightness.

The accountants, based on this instrument of testing of financial strength, could be the best fore-tellers of the future of any business, and this is the reason why this kind of situation needs to be avoided if we want our business and our company to always have their legs to stand on. Liability is a component of any business organisation, but its dominion over the cash or the current assets of the business is dangerous and it can spell doom for both the present and future of a particular company.

                The acid-test ratio can also be applicable to our daily financial lives. If we don’t want to live our lives in penury and abject poverty, we must not take our expenses above the level of the amount of money we earn as an individual. The moment our expenses exceed the level of our earnings, there is every assurance and the probability that we are going to land in bankruptcy and financial constraint.
                Many people run into slavery of debt almost every day, because they live above their earnings or cash. A celebrated life is good, but we must not take it above our bank account. Benjamin Franklin advised us the way we should handle our expenses in one of his popular quotes, he said “beware of little expense a small leak will sink a great ship”. As a matter of fact, expenses are part of our lives, we are not completed without spending, but we should always be a perfect sailor of our financial ship, lest it sinks in the current of the sea of lack  of ‘financial know how’.
                At this period of time, numerous people are in financial mess, owing to their flamboyant styles of living. Rather than looking inward and make adjustment where necessary, such people hold other factors responsible for their woes. At this juncture, I think we need no teacher any longer, our unwanted and uninvited situations will teach us better.