See You At The Top!

By Odofin Peter.

                    Its very obvious that everybody is desirous of the top. Irrespective of your station in life, there is always a room at the top.In your academic pursuit, your chosen career, your endeavour, your family and every aspect of your life, you will agree with me that your ultimate aim is the very top. You therefore need to be on top of every challenge that comes enroute the top. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the nitty-gritty of getting to the top while others are yet to understand that there are always prices to pay before you can be at the peak of your career.

There are concepts that we need to understand in our pathway to the peak of our career. These will be highlighted below:
1. Attitude: A positive attitude will make it easier for us to be at the upper zone of our career. You will need to adjust and change your lifestyle to attain your purpose in your chosen field. Experts believe that a positive attitude is necessary for effective medical treatment. Attitude determines our aptitude.It is your positive attitude that stands you out.

2. Research: In as much as we want to be at the top of our career,this does not come easy.Therefore, researching into your chosen field is a must for you. You will need to read deep and wide.This will definitely provoke your thinking faculty.Thorough reading will give you a far reaching edge over your contemporary.
There is no area of life and career that you cannot find related books.The use of present info-technology to our advantage cannot be over-emphasised. New ideas,concepts, innovations and creativity are being detected every second. Also, be open-minded and eager to acquire more knowledge from experts in your field.

3. Opportunity: Your adequate preparation at all time will make every opportunity worthwhile when it comes.In fact,it makes you see and seize the opportunity no matter how hidden it presents itself. The opportunity will not just call you by name to come and grab it! You will need to eagerly go for it with your adequate preparation. Unfortunately,many had lost several opportunities in the past which could never be regained. Be prepared! Identify opportunity and transform it to success and before long you see yourself at the top.

4. Focus: Do not focus on all and end up focusing on none.Your concentration and consistency will help you on your pathway to the top. Understanding the basic principles of division of labour and specialization will distinguished you amongst others. It makes you to be extra-ordinarily good in your field.Focus on your strength and work on your weakness as you proceed to the peak.

5. Resilience: Nothing good comes easy,this I know! This is the lyric of a song.This is true.You are bound to encounter setbacks in life.However,never allow setbacks to set you back.Persevere and keep pushing. Never be a quitter but a winner. The top is not for everyone and do not let discouragement screen you out.
Being at the top is not only related to your career but your lives in its entirety. You must be healthy and be in good relationship with your family. Your work life should balance. There should be an avenue for self-development and prudence in spending.Find time to relax and let go of elements of stress from whatever quarters.

Peter Oluwatosin Odofin is a Publisher, Writer, Blogger,  an Entrepreneur and a career coach  . He is the MD/CEO of Pet -Dof International Consulting Limited which is into Educational Consulting, Career & Self development, Travels & Tours and Publishing.
He is passionate about encouraging financial independence and engaging young entrepreneurs (Youths) on the steps needed to be at top  of their chosen career.
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