There is something that’s so unique about life that has kept me wondering why some people are not making much success and blame it on insufficient time.

I never think the problem is that of insufficient time but instead, lack of priorities.

If your future is an extension of direct consequence of the positive use of your time today is to see what it produces.

As i was pondering on how people waste away their time; it just suddenly occur to me how people were leaving and looses the focus for their existence and trying to change something that’s totally outside their control.

Have you ever imagined what would make a man to think of stopping a rain not to drop? This is totally a waste of time because he doesn’t have capacity or control over this.

We aren’t produce result because we mostly go after those things that are beyond our control. You aren’t God!

Rather to be focused on those that are within your control this will give you a leverage to move ahead.

Time moves real fast before you even realize it.

“We lose focus when we are not focused”

Many a time we forget to concentration on what is important; rather we waste time on things that are either unnecessary or irrelevant.

One true fact is that any time wasted can never be regained and this affects a man’s life.

Remember that the concept of “wasted time” is relative. If the things you engage in are not productive in the conventional sense, it should be considered as time wasting. Also doing things repeatedly and having same result should be considered a waste of time, as you are expected to produce result.

Time is wasted when you:

  1. Don’t realize the purpose of your existence or when you don’t know what to do when stuck.

It is often said that; ‘’ when reason of a thing isn’t known, abuse is inevitable’’

We are expected to fulfill a purpose on earth. When we don’t know the purpose of our existence we are prone to a self-defeat.

A manufacturer produces goods or gives services to suit a specific purpose… You are a product in the hand of God who is the manufacturer.

No matter how fast you are in an opposite direction of your purpose, it’s considered useless!!

Each and every one of us has a purpose to fulfil in life. While doctors are specialized in caring for health, journalists are specialized in gathering and disseminating information.

Everything you need to realize the purpose of your existence is all around you. Take a break to reflect….ask yourself this question: Am I really doing things in line with the purpose of my existence or am I just wasting my time?


Time is wasted when you in a wrong career, wrong place, wrong relationship, working with a wrong advice or taking a wrong decision.


“Whatever decision you make either leaves you better than the way you were before or worse”.


When you are building another man’s dream for a long period of time, now you get older, you may be well over 50years or more when you suddenly realize your purpose, and you realize that you used much of your productive age in a wrong direction.


Many people are in the category of not fully aware of what they are expected to do with their lives neither they take a step to accomplishing their dreams; they rather complain and make series of excuses.


  1. When you give your time or life as the case maybe to those that are not adding value to you, you are automatically wasting your productive time.


At every point in our life we all need people who must add quality value to our lives so we can grow and improve as individuals. We also must add value to other people.


You don’t need to be around those that waste your time and not making you realize your full potential.

Often times, people you keep in your company determine the altitudes at which you get to in life simply because they influence you in one way or the other (they affect your finances, decisions, marriages, often time your choice(s) of actions).

Critically look at person that surround you, observe their lives and their way of living; There is tendency you replicate some of their lifestyle, simply because there is a way they influence your choice of decisions.

In the company of a fool, there is always destruction.

Can you imagine seeing why it’s important for you to be conscious of who influences your thinking and choice of decision?

If you look around you, there are some sets of people you need to do away with. It’s not out of anger or hatred but for both parties to understand that you are not adding value to each other and you need to quietly excuse them not to result into a waste of time.


You will always need someone to push you forward in life.

At a point while on my book project, two of my friends were consistently on me, why I have been delaying writing this book. I kept giving excuses but deep down I knew I ought to move at a faster pace. They gently pushed me until I completed this project.

You need people like this who will not let you rest until you achieve your desired goal; people who  believe in your progress and your dream; people who can go all out just to ensure things work out for you .I believe there are still some good people out there.


  1. When you are wasting time trying to be like someone else.

You have already defeated the aim of your creation. You and I are born different with a purpose to fulfill. “Sure we may work on same pace but we have different purposes to fulfill”.


You are only wasting your time trying to be like someone else which you are not.

You are you!!


You only need people who can give you a push to be what you can be, stop wasting time trying to be like someone else!


  1. We spend time thinking and dwelling on what other people will think or say about us.

As long as you allow your mind to be ruled by what people will say about you, you have automatically given yourself a setback and this can go on affecting your progress in life.

The fact still remains that people are meant to say whatever they want to say at any particular point in time, which is considered to be an expression of their views towards people or a particular issue.

Permit me to say that; I don’t care about what people say about me but I care mostly about what I do even when no one is there”

You don’t need anybody’s validation for your life. You should be responsible for everything you do or say, not what anyone says.

’’You can be whoever you want to be’’

The power lies in your hands. Whoever you permit to rule over your life has equally gained access to your time and they can either waste or make your time but I can guarantee you that they will waste your time if you allow them!!

You must enjoy your uniqueness and it must equally be maintained.

You are the best thing that can happen to yourself, so stop being depressed about what people say or will say about you as this automatically leave you depressed.

At times, those you assume are thinking about you are really not, they are also contending with one thing or the other, but due to your pre-programmed mindset that they must have been thinking about you, they are rather thinking of their problems.

It doesn’t matter what other people think of you, you need to stay true to yourself. Don’t waste your time, thoughts, and energy on what others think. Be proud to be yourself!!


You definitely know that people will always say something about you so why do you decide to waste a lot of time in getting worried on what someone will say instead of focusing on what you should do right. I feel this should be more important to you.


  1. We sit with past pains and refuse to let go.

As much as we think of this, you are robbing yourself of productive time, being saddled with negative thoughts, worrying and nursing pains in a state of un-forgiveness takes away much more valuable time. We lose out on life and living!  Some people spend a lifetime not forgiving some old hurt and they lose entire decades nursing old pains.

Some people create personality traits and hang on to deeply entrenched beliefs on the basis of some old wound

What’s gone is gone!!

“What makes us who we are is hidden behind the extent of what we see in the future but not in the past”.

You need to make a decision to forgive the past and let go.

Negatives experiences can become a cancerous cell that overshadows and hinders your movement into becoming who you are supposed to be. As sickness wrecks one down, so also do holding onto the past stagnate you and waste your time.

The past needs to go!


  1. When you aren’t acting on your dream:

The most dangerous thief of time is fear….when a man knows what to do or when they are supposed to be manifesting their uniqueness in life and they refuse to do it due to one reason or the other.

Let’s take for example, may be you have a dream of being an entrepreneur and you allow procrastination to set in for so many years hence you delay the step to take off.

After that, you are now willing to start what you have left undone for so long. You are likely to pay for the time you refused to start and there is tendency you would make mistakes that would discourage you from moving forward

The required strength might as well not be there.

You are now like 50 years; you can’t as well compare your strength with a young man of 20 or 25years old.

Anything you proposed to do in your mind- just do it because time will not just be right.

I have met a lot of people in the course of my life’s journey, who are yet to take action on their goals, dreams and aspirations for their life of which they are aware of or some aren’t even aware of.


  1. When you are trying to change what is meant not to be changed.

In as much as I believe that everything is possible, would you agree with me also that there some things that are just fixed and you actually can’t change them for one reason or the other?

If you build your excuses on what you don’t have control over or what you cannot change, you are automatically wasting away your time. Any amount of time or effort put into trying to change them, will still amount to a waste.


We depend on God for some of us that believe in God. He is constant and we are like a variable largely depend on Him. You can’t just change it!!!!

Many people for many years have been trying to work contrary to this principle by wasting their time in changing what actually they don’t have control over. The amount of time trying to violate this principle could have been much more valuable used on the most important things that you have control over. This is very important!!


If you ask me what are those things that aren’t meant to be changed, I would say:

  • You can’t change the fact that pain is designed to be part of life’s experience. It is design for a woman to pass through pain in the process of delivery her baby. Equally at one point or the other in our lives, we pass through pain in other to experience gain, as the degree of pain varies from individual to individual.
  • You can’t change the truth; it will always be the truth. The day must break and there is no other option for this. This is absolutely the truth.
  • You can’t change the day, month year that you were born. You were born on a particular day, month and year. This is not by mistake. You are personally assigned to this particular day and month in a year.
  • You can’t change who your parents and the family you were born into.You can’t change who are your parents are, no matter how bad things might get and there is a why you were born into that family  which cannot be underestimated
  • You hardly can change someone who does not see issue for their action or inaction.In the first place, who are you to change someone? You can’t change anyone but you can only influence person ideal way of thinking. Your Ideas cannot be considered as changing someone because he might decide to let go your idea at anytime.
  • You can’t change what has happened to you in the past. What has happened has happened!!! One fact I know is that the event of the past has already happened and there is little you could do to bring it to the present. You just need to move on most especially the negatives past.
  • You can change your place of worship but you can’t change who God is and what He does and the ways He does His things………….

You can read more in the book titled: “The Reality of time”


ABOUT THE BOOK:  “For the fact that you don’t see time isn’t a proof that it doesn’t exist”


We are like seeds planted in the earth. The day a seed is planted in the soil, the time starts counting. Same applies to us as individuals – our time started counting the day we were born into this world. We all are approaching a phase when our lives process(s) will come to an end and we will be faced with the result of how well we utilized our given time.


This book, THE REALITY OF TIME brings to our consciousness the fact that time is essential and extremely important in our everyday activities. Our greatness or mediocrity in Life is a function of how we use our time. This book outlines time tested principles for making the best use of our time and also shares the experiences of people that have applied the principles in their lives. Already launched in Dubai, UAE, Lagos Nigeria. it has been of tremendous help to readers. Many have witnessed significant increase in productivity and work life balance as they apply its principles.



Jide Agboola is result driven and resourceful individual who is passionate about writing. With his love for truth and desire for change, he believes with positive mindset, we can build our own world. He is a writer, Business process initiator and customer service expert whose experiences cut across Oil and Gas, IT, Food & Beverage and Educational sector. He is a Leadership Coach, Management Strategist & Public Speaker who has toured many countries as an inspirational speaker.


Meet Jide Agboola
