By: Kayode Ariba
Ola graduated from one of the best Universities in Nigeria. He was even the best graduating student in his department. Having graduated with a Second Class Upper Division (2-1), he strongly believed, getting a job will never be his problem. But to his amazement, he searched for a job for years but could not get any.  He was frustrated after many attempts, so he concluded; he must have been bewitched in his home town, forgetting the fact that it is one thing to graduate with a good grade and another thing to be employable.

One day, he woke very early in the Morning and decided to take a walk in his neighborhood just to kill time, rather than thinking about his predicament. On his way back home, he was nearly hit by a car because he was lost in thought, thinking about his state of joblessness. The owner of the car turned out to be his old time friend, now a branch Manager of a reputable Organization in Nigeria.  ”Ola, what’s wrong with you?” he asked. Ola looked depressed to him.  He replied, “Tom, life has been unfair to me”; if you could recall, I was the best graduating student in our department. Now, I could hardly feed myself. No job! No money I have attended some Job interviews in recent time.

 All I got was “You are not employable” from the recruiters. I don’t know what do to? I am fed up!
Tom smiled back to him.” I would help you my friend”, he said.  He gave him his complimentary card with some money. Ola was so elated to the extent; he was rolling on the floor. His friend cautioned him, “Stop it Man”. He also told him to come to his office the next day.

Exactly at 7AM on the next day, Ola was already in his friend’s office anxiously waiting for him, he was oblivious that 8 AM is their Opening time. Fortunate for him, his friend came 15 Minutes after. Tom recommended a Professional Training for him in order to boost his Employability. After the Training, he got a job in one leading Oil and Gas Company. Thanks to his friend, Tom.

This story is all too common. A lot of graduates believe that, having a University degree is an automatic ticket for getting a job. Well, some recruiter might consider an applicant with a good grade. But the truth of the matter is, the Job market is highly competitive. Having a first class might set you apart from the pool of unemployed graduates. But do you also know how many first class graduates that have applied for the same job you want?  Something has to distinguish you from other Job seekers.

According to Alvin Toffler, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, Unlearn and relearn”. This statement is true because it is imperative to learn new things everyday as Humans. Knowledge is the key! Why should I employ a graduate that is not well versed in his Academic discipline?  The fact is, the 21st Century employers do not want half-baked graduates but prefer professionals who can give them new innovations that will increase their Profitability and Productivity. And that’s the main reason some graduates are still unemployed till date. Employers want the best of the best applicants in the Job market.

Job opportunities are abound! But the big question, “Are you really employable?” It is obvious that different jobs require different skills. As an applicant, you should be able to fulfill the requirements of the Job. A degree is no longer enough to open doors to Jobs. Employers are looking for ‘work-ready’ graduates with exceptional skills. Some of these skills are Communication, Leadership, Marketing, Problem-Solving, Initiative Flexibility and enthusiasm.  To have this competitive advantage in the Job market, Job seekers should acquire more relevant skills that are in demand. Then, getting their desired job will be very easy.
1.      What is your Qualification?
2.      Are you really employable?
3.      Do have a professional CV?
4.      What distinguishes you from other Job seekers?
5.      Do you have the required skills for your desired Job?
6.      Can you defend your Certificate?
7.      How often do you visit Job recruitments websites?
8.      What is your level of Emotional Intelligence?
9.      What are your strengths and weaknesses?
10.   What value can you bring to an Organization?
11.   Why should a recruiter hire you?
12.  How prepared are you for an aptitude test?
