Attitude of a CAN-DO LEADER

Osaro Bright

Osaro Bright

According t o Wi kipedi a ,  a leader is one who influences or leads others. A leader is a per son who direct s a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. A leader as a person leads a g r o u p  o f  p e o p l e  f o r  a  c e r t a i n
purpose. As a leader which every one of us is in our own different ways, our major aims must be to attain a
certain purpose or height in our leadership.
Is leadership a position of office or authority? Or, is leadership an ability i n t he sense of being a leader
because he leads? We all may know o r  h e a r  o f  p e o p l e  who  a r e  i n positions of leadership but who are
not providing leadership. A position o f  o ffi c e  i s  n o  g u a r a n t e e  o f leadership but it helps in the sense
that a leadership position usually commands a listening ear from its people and that is a good starting point for anyone who desires to be a leader.
A leader by its meaning is one who goes first and leads by example, so that others are motivated to follow
him. This is a basic requirement. To be a leader, a person must have a deep-rooted commitment to the
goal. A leader strives to achieve this goal even if nobody follows him. Our commi tment to any stated goal
must be utmost among the group or  people we lead by displaying good examples.
In becoming a can-do leader, we must have a positive attitude and mindset toward issues. We must a l wa y s  b e l i e v e  a l l  t h i n g s  a r e possi ble and work hard towards achi evi ng ever y goal .  We must always have the attitude of trying out new things as regard execution of any project. There may be nothing to lose, rather a lot to gain probably in the process. Our attitude should be continuous learning, relearning and unlearning new things as regard our
set goals. It is not too late to learn something new, let us make the change now. It is not too late to start, let us start now.
Never give up on your goals and do not give time to the opposition. The opposition will always be there, do
not expect everyone to praise you on your achievements. Some will come with a lot of negativity and try to run you down with their ill words. Always expect this and let it be a stepping stone for your upliftment. Negativity are stepping stone to greater height when you analyze and work on them. Do not allow negative people to influence you,
but rather influence them and do not be intimidated by the enemies. A can do leader does not mind being in the minority.  He i s not easily coerced into doing things below the standard he has set for himself and the  team.  He  fol lows  what  he believes and runs with it.  He is not moved by the negative report from his followers or other co-leaders, rather he has a firm conviction on how to conquer. That is an attitude of a can do leader. He sees good and
positive things and always aim to achieve it. Moreover, a can do leader is not slothful or lazy. He goes into action
immediately a target is set for the team, because every project can and should start immediately if it is to succeed. Many a times why some things go wrong or happen the way they do is because we do not handle it with the promptness it deserves. Slothfulness is the key to failure in l e a d e r s h i p .  S o  k i l l  t h a t  a c t  o f slothfulness and procrastination now! Another great attitude of a can do leader is that he is ready to fight, die and take calculated risk for a course. If you are not ready to take risk then you may not achieve much. Risk takers are great achievers. Many of the great leaders and achievers around us were great risk takers. One thing we must know is that every
p r o j e c t  we  a r e  embarking  on involves some level of risk and we must be ready to take them.  In addition, we must have the spirit of adventure and discovery which leads to development. How often do we read? Readers are leaders!. The number of books you have read determines  the  level  o f  y o u r knowledge in leadership. So ensure
you read at least a book in a month.  In all, we must love God and put Him first in everything we do. We must
have faith in God and daily aspire to work according to His principles and standards. This will give us boldness
to attain any height we so much desire to get to in life. Again I say be a can-do leader! now.
By Osaro Bright
