Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced. – James Baldwin.

We live in a real world with real people who have real problems. Put in right perspectives, problems or challenges are part of life. In reality, you don’t outgrow problems or challenges rather to every level in life, there is a corresponding “devil” and many times if you don’t overcome at a current level you may not be qualified for the next level. While you must acknowledge that not all things are within your control but certainly so many other things are within your control. Hence, the need for effective decision making backed with action steps to make life predictable, meaningful and successful.

We are all products of our decisions. Yesterday’s decision is today’s reality and today’s decision will be tomorrow’s reality. DECISION DETERMINES DESTINY. Every day we make decisions whether consciously or unconsciously while some decision are simple and not so consequential e.g  when to bath, when to sleep or wake, movie to see, what to wear etc; some other decisions are critical and complex and very consequential e.g where to live, who to marry, how many children to have, whether to go to school or learn a skill, where to work and so on.


  1. Uncertainty – Many unknown facts and variables.
  2. Complexity – Many interrelated factors to be considered.
  3. High risk consequences – Its impact may be significant.
  4. Alternatives – Various options and its own consequences.
  5. Interpersonal issues – The need to predict how others will react.

You must realise that indecision is also a decision and not deciding on time is a decision…all with their consequences.


  1. Your mindset / mentality.
  2. Your environment.
  3. Your association.
  4. Your counsellors and advisers.
  5. Your mood /Emotional state.
  6. Your upbringing background.
  7. Your level of education and knowledge.
  8. Your level of exposure.
  9. Your level of experience.
  10. Your level of maturity.



  • Create A Constructive /Enabling Environment; When your decision will involve other people to implement it, it pays to gain their support, carryout a stake holders analysis to identify who to include.
  • Investigate The Situation In Details; Define the problem

Find out whether the stated problem is the real issue or just a symptom of something deeper.

  • Generate Good Alternative; Using Brainstorming and Reverse Brainstorming.
  • Evaluate Your Options; Evaluate the feasibility risks and implications of each one (Advantages and Disadvantages, cost implication, e.t.c.
  • Select The Best Solution And Evaluate It; This is the time to pray and think deeply and choose whatever you have peace with.
  • Take Effective Action.


  1. Don’t make a decision in a haste, without information, wise counsel and deep thinking.
  2. Don’t make a decision under pressure or when you are weak (Physically, emotionally, mentally e.t.c.)
  3. Don’t make a permanent decision based on temporary issues.
  4. Don’t make a decision based on sentiment and emotions.
  5. Don’t make a decision to insist on doing what others can help you do.
  6. Don’t refuse to make a decision you need to make when you need to make it because delay can be dangerous .
  7. Don’t make a decision without considering all options and the consequences of the decision.
  8. Don’t be indecisive because you are afraid of making a wrong decision life is a school and you learn through mistakes sometimes.
  9. Don’t make a decision without 100% commitment to stand by your decision and its consequences.
  10. Don’t make a decision without divine approval.

In conclusion, always remember that you have only one life to live. Live it on purpose; be deliberate about it, take practical steps everyday towards its achievement; seek counsel if you must to aid a well informed decision and like Dr Olumide Emmanuel once said, “Allow yourself a 10% possibility to be wrong, a 50% likelihood of betrayal, a 100% commitment to survive it all”. I hope this piece has been helpful in some way(s). Please feel free to share with others and you will do well to share your comments, experiences and testimonials with me also as a result of its application.

Your success story will hit the headlines soon!

Oyeledun Femi Gomez


