You know when I think of the story behind the inception of Wisdom Gate Online Radio Station (WiGRadio), How the idea was conceived by somebody who was infact too broke to even think of thinking about it, we can’t deny that truthfully Nothing Is Impossible. Man himself has the innate ability to create the atmosphere that he feels is more comfortable and favourable for him, he has the power to form the reality that he desires and undauntedly dreams of, and ultimately the ability to build the identity and image that he wants to portray to the world. WiGRadio began exactly on March 1st 2013 at a seemingly “laughable” situation, all broadcasts were streamed live from the inconvenience of a small bedroom with a borrowed microphone and a half- dead laptop. Olawale Perfect the brain behind the idea, armed with the support of his colleagues began his far-  fetched dream despite all the odds that was pitted against their favour. Notwithstanding the limitations, reasons to throw in the towel and justifiable excuses, they turned blind eyes to it all and pushed the “crazy idea” forward, but isn’t that the definition of creativity in its true essence? “Far-fetched ideas, originally conceived dreams that brings about unconventional solutions to problems.” Creativity itself is insanity at its rawest form that subsequently brings about innovative results. And that is why today we celebrate the creativity of the visionary, but for a second imagine if reverse was the case, if they had been gathered together to start up WiGRadio and then all efforts to continue became futile, with everything eventually crumbling to the ground. If all that had happened, it would be registered in everyone’s brain as an “ultimate fail and a sad and unfortunate attempt at the impossible.” And like everyone else, maybe if I had heard the story too, I will not only have called it a stupid or insane idea; but because I have always been a kind- hearted person, I would pray that he receives small sense just to make him a little more competent. Thankfully, it all worked out and instead of hearing stories of failure, today we hear stories of success and multiplication. WigRadio recently marked its 5th  anniversary and the last time that the statistics was taken, it was discovered that they had a listening audience in over 126 countries. What a creative way to create impact!!! While other Radio stations remain limited to the National audience,

WiGRadio has been able to successfully break media barriers by using technology as a means to bridge nations and languages despite the limitations, they have found a way to dominate the online media scene because that is simply what they do, They Dominate!!! WiGRadio being a gospel radio station with the mission of reaching the world with good news and transforming lives on a global scale has managed to win over the hearts of The National and International audience with the gospel, which is the Word of God and because of this have gained faithful listeners over the last five years since its inception. Since we have rightly uncovered that WiGRadio’s number one motivation and driving force is the gospel, then it is no surprise that the gospel (the word of God) was the most encouraging factor behind the big leap of faith taken by the owner and the diverse people who rallied to support the vision. Recently, I was in a conversation with the with the founder, Olawale Perfect and he shared the scripture that has been the inspiration from the beginning and it was from Matt 24:14 which says “And the gospel of the Kingdom would be preached in all the world as witness to all the nations and then will the end come.” No wonder he didn’t struggle with the vision or ignore the call to the media, he simply heeded to it and had hope against all

hope that it was possible, and too urgent to wait for the “Perfect’s time,” No pun intended. They knew that they had a part to play in ushering the coming of Jesus Christ; they discovered that radio stations in general were a bit too nation centred instead of globally oriented and that is what makes it one of the principal visions on WiGRadio, to make sure that they spread the gospel to the far ends of the world, and to the nooks and crannies of uncivilized nations, until everyone on the face of earth has heard about Jesus and has had the opportunity to choose salvation because only then will the end come. Finally, I asked for their final advice to our readers and here is what they had to say, “Kings dominate!!,” “At whatever thing we do in life, we are expected to excel, to demonstrate an excellent spirit. Whatsoever we do should be done with the kingdom in view, we should be kingdom minded and also prepared to bring people into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and his salvation.” Such powerful words!!! I believe that we can all achieve this feat together, if you and I just like Olawale Perfect do our own little part towards collectively creating massive impact. We can do this by doing whatever we do best to the glory of God, no matter how small or how seemingly insignificant it may appear, because we all in our own little way have a

very crucial part to play towards the preparation of the earth for the arrival of the Son of God.
